#pragma once #include #include "../base/pgBase.hpp" #include "../rage/scrValue.hpp" #include "scrNativeHandler.hpp" #pragma pack(push, 1) namespace rage { class scrProgram : public pgBase { public: std::uint8_t** m_code_blocks; // 0x10 std::uint32_t m_hash; // 0x18 std::uint32_t m_code_size; // 0x1C std::uint32_t m_arg_count; // 0x20 std::uint32_t m_local_count; // 0x24 std::uint32_t m_global_count; // 0x28 std::uint32_t m_native_count; // 0x2C scrValue *m_local_data; // 0x30 scrValue **m_global_data; // 0x38 scrNativeHandler *m_native_entrypoints; // 0x40 std::uint32_t m_proc_count; // 0x48 char pad_004C[4]; // 0x4C const char** m_proc_names; // 0x50 std::uint32_t m_name_hash; // 0x58 std::uint32_t m_ref_count; // 0x5C const char* m_name; // 0x60 const char** m_strings_data; // 0x68 std::uint32_t m_strings_count; // 0x70 char m_breakpoints[0x0C]; // 0x74 This is an atMap, which we don't have the class for ATM. bool is_valid() const { return m_code_size != 0; } std::uint32_t get_num_code_pages() const { return (m_code_size + 0x3FFF) >> 14; } std::uint32_t get_code_page_size(std::uint32_t page) const { auto num = get_num_code_pages(); if (page < num) { if (page == num - 1) return m_code_size & 0x3FFF; return 0x4000; } return 0; } std::uint32_t get_full_code_size() const { auto numPages = get_num_code_pages(); if (!numPages) return 0; if (numPages == 1) --numPages; return (numPages * 0x4000) + (m_code_size & 0x3FFF); } std::uint8_t* get_code_page(std::uint32_t page) const { return m_code_blocks[page]; } std::uint8_t* get_code_address(std::uint32_t index) const { if (index < m_code_size) return &m_code_blocks[index >> 14][index & 0x3FFF]; return nullptr; } const char* get_string(std::uint32_t index) const { if (index < m_strings_count) return &m_strings_data[index >> 14][index & 0x3FFF]; return nullptr; } scrNativeHandler* get_address_of_native_entrypoint(scrNativeHandler entrypoint) { for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < m_native_count; ++i) { if (m_native_entrypoints[i] == entrypoint) { return m_native_entrypoints + i; } } return nullptr; } }; static_assert(sizeof(scrProgram) == 0x80); } #pragma pack(pop)