#!/bin/bash VERSION="indev"; cd /var/www/pterodactyl; if [[ "$@" == *"-php"* ]]; then exit 1; fi; mkdir .blueprint 2> /dev/null; cp -R blueprint/* .blueprint/ 2> /dev/null; rm -R blueprint 2> /dev/null; source .blueprint/lib/bash_colors.sh; source .blueprint/lib/parse_yaml.sh; source .blueprint/lib/db.sh; if [[ $1 != "-bash" ]]; then if dbValidate "blueprint.setupFinished"; then clr_blue "This command only works if you have yet to install Blueprint. You can run \"\033[1;94mblueprint\033[0m\033[0;34m\" instead."; dbRemove "blueprint.setupFinished"; exit 1; else clr_bright "/var/www/pterodactyl/public/themes/pterodactyl/css/pterodactyl.css"; sed -i "s!@import 'checkbox.css';!@import 'checkbox.css';\n@import url(/assets/extensions/blueprint/blueprint.style.css);!g" /var/www/pterodactyl/public/themes/pterodactyl/css/pterodactyl.css; clr_bright "php artisan view:clear"; php artisan view:clear > /dev/null; clr_bright "php artisan config:clear"; php artisan config:clear > /dev/null; clr_bright "chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/pterodactyl/*"; chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/pterodactyl/* > /dev/null; clr_bright "chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/pterodactyl/.*"; chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/pterodactyl/.* > /dev/null; dbAdd "blueprint.setupFinished"; exit 1; fi; fi; if [[ $2 == "-i" ]]; then if [[ $3 == "" ]]; then clr_bright "Expected 1 argument but got 0.";fi; FILE=$3".blueprint" if [[ ! -f "$FILE" ]]; then clr_red "$FILE could not be found.";exit 1;fi; ZIP=$3".zip" cp $FILE .blueprint/tmp/$ZIP; cd .blueprint/tmp; unzip $ZIP; cd /var/www/pterodactyl; rm .blueprint/tmp/$ZIP; eval $(parse_yaml .blueprint/tmp/$3/conf.yml) if [[ $name == "" ]]; then clr_red "'name' is a required option.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $identifier == "" ]]; then clr_red "'identifier' is a required option.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $description == "" ]]; then clr_red "'description' is a required option.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $version == "" ]]; then clr_red "'version' is a required option.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $target == "" ]]; then clr_red "'target' is a required option.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $icon == "" ]]; then clr_red "'icon' is a required option.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ ! -f ".blueprint/tmp/$3/$icon" ]]; then clr_red "Extensions are required to have valid icons.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $target != $VERSION ]]; then clr_red "The operation could not be completed since the target version of the extension ($target) does not match your Blueprint version ($VERSION).";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $identifier != $3 ]]; then clr_red "The extension identifier should be exactly the same as your .blueprint file (just without the .blueprint). This may be subject to change, but is currently required.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $identifier == "blueprint" ]]; then clr_red "The operation could not be completed since the extension is attempting to overwrite internal files.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $identifier =~ [a-z] ]]; then echo "ok" > /dev/null; else clr_red "The extension identifier should be lowercase and only contain characters a-z.";rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3;exit 1;fi; if [[ $migrations_enabled != "" ]]; then if [[ $migrations_enabled == "yes" ]]; then cp -R .blueprint/tmp/$3/$migrations_directory/* database/migrations/ 2> /dev/null; elif [[ $migrations_enabled == "no" ]]; then echo "ok" > /dev/null; else clr_red "If defined, migrations should only be 'yes' or 'no'."; rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3; exit 1; fi; fi; if [[ $publicfiles_directory != "" ]]; then if [[ $publicfiles_enabled == "yes" ]]; then mkdir public/extensions/$identifier cp -R .blueprint/tmp/$3/$publicfiles_directory/* public/extensions/$identifier/* 2> /dev/null; elif [[ $publicfiles_enabled == "no" ]]; then echo "ok" > /dev/null; else clr_red "If defined, publicfiles should only be 'yes' or 'no'."; rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3; exit 1; fi; fi; cp -R .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak 2> /dev/null; if [[ $controller_type != "" ]]; then if [[ $controller_type == "default" ]]; then cp -R .blueprint/defaults/extensions/controller.default .blueprint/defaults/extensions/controller.default.bak 2> /dev/null; elif [[ $controller_type == "custom" ]]; then echo "ok" > /dev/null; else clr_red "If defined, controller should only be 'default' or 'custom'."; rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3; exit 1; fi; fi; cp -R .blueprint/defaults/extensions/route.default .blueprint/defaults/extensions/route.default.bak 2> /dev/null; cp -R .blueprint/defaults/extensions/button.default .blueprint/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak 2> /dev/null; mkdir public/assets/extensions/$identifier; cp .blueprint/tmp/$3/icon.jpg public/assets/extensions/$identifier/icon.jpg; ICON="/assets/extensions/$identifier/icon.jpg"; CONTENT=$(cat .blueprint/tmp/$3/$view_location); sed -i "s!␀title␀!$name!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s!␀name␀!$name!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s!␀breadcrumb␀!$name!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s?␀name␀?$name?g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s!␀description␀!$description!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s!␀version␀!$version!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s?␀version␀?$version?g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s!␀icon␀!$ICON!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s!␀content␀!$CONTENT!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak > /dev/null; if [[ $controller_type != "custom" ]]; then sed -i "s!␀id␀!$identifier!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/controller.default.bak > /dev/null; fi; sed -i "s!␀id␀!$identifier!g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/route.default.bak > /dev/null; sed -i "s?␀id␀?$identifier?g" .blueprint/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak > /dev/null; ADMINVIEW_RESULT=$(cat .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak); ADMINROUTE_RESULT=$(cat .blueprint/defaults/extensions/route.default.bak); ADMINBUTTON_RESULT=$(cat .blueprint/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak); if [[ $controller_type != "custom" ]]; then ADMINCONTROLLER_RESULT=$(cat .blueprint/defaults/extensions/controller.default.bak); fi; ADMINCONTROLLER_NAME=$identifier"ExtensionController.php"; mkdir resources/views/admin/extensions/$identifier; touch resources/views/admin/extensions/$identifier/index.blade.php; echo $ADMINVIEW_RESULT > resources/views/admin/extensions/$identifier/index.blade.php; mkdir app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier; touch app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier/$ADMINCONTROLLER_NAME; if [[ $controller_type != "custom" ]]; then echo $ADMINCONTROLLER_RESULT > app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier/$ADMINCONTROLLER_NAME; else echo $(cat .blueprint/tmp/$3/$controller_location) > app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier/$ADMINCONTROLLER_NAME; fi; echo $ADMINROUTE_RESULT >> routes/admin.php; sed -i "s??$ADMINBUTTON_RESULT\n?g" resources/views/admin/extensions.blade.php > /dev/null; rm .blueprint/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; if [[ $controller_type != "custom" ]]; then rm .blueprint/defaults/extensions/controller.default.bak; fi; rm .blueprint/defaults/extensions/route.default.bak; rm .blueprint/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak; rm -R .blueprint/tmp/$3; if [[ $author == "blueprint" ]]; then clr_blue "Please refrain from setting the author variable to 'blueprint', thanks!";fi; if [[ $author == "Blueprint" ]]; then clr_blue "Please refrain from setting the author variable to 'Blueprint', thanks!";fi; fi; touch /usr/local/bin/blueprint > /dev/null; echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nbash /var/www/pterodactyl/blueprint.sh -bash \$@;" > /usr/local/bin/blueprint; chmod u+x /var/www/pterodactyl/blueprint.sh > /dev/null; chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/blueprint > /dev/null; if [[ $2 == "help" ]]; then echo -e "placeholder"; fi; if [[ $2 == "-v" ]]; then echo -e $VERSION; fi;