serve() // $bp->latestVersion() // $bp->isInstalled() // $bp->version() // $bp->dbGet('db::record') // $bp->dbSet('db::record', 'value') // $bp->config('item', value); public function serve(): void { return; } public function latestVersion(): string { $github_user = 'teamblueprint'; $github_repo = 'main'; $api_url = "{$github_user}/{$github_repo}/releases/latest"; $context = stream_context_create([ 'http' => [ 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => 'User-Agent: BlueprintFramework', ], ]); $response = file_get_contents($api_url, false, $context); if ($response) { $cleaned_response = preg_replace('/[[:^print:]]/', '', $response); $data = json_decode($cleaned_response, true); if (isset($data['tag_name'])) { $latest_version = $data['tag_name']; return "$latest_version"; } else { return "Error: Unable to fetch the latest release version."; } } else { return "Error: Failed to make the API request."; } } public function version(): string { return $this->blueprintplaceholderservice->version(); } public function isInstalled(): string { return $this->blueprintplaceholderservice->installed(); } public function dbGet($key): string { // BlueprintExtensionLibrary is preferred where possible. $a = $this->settings->get("blueprint::".$key); if (!$a) { return ""; } else { return $a; }; } public function dbSet($key, $value): void { // BlueprintExtensionLibrary is preferred where possible. $this->settings->set('blueprint::' . $key, $value); return; } public function config($item, $value): string|null { return shell_exec("cd ".escapeshellarg($this->blueprintplaceholderservice->folder()).";c$item=$value bash -config"); } }