#!/bin/bash # This should allow Blueprint to run in docker. Please note that changing the $FOLDER variable after running # the Blueprint installation script will not change anything in any files besides blueprint.sh. FOLDER="pterodactyl" if [[ -f ".dockerenv" ]]; then DOCKER="y"; FOLDER="html" fi; # If the fallback version below does not match your downloaded version, please let us know. VER_FALLBACK="alpha-T0R"; # This will be automatically replaced by some marketplaces, if not, $VER_FALLBACK will be used as fallback. PM_VERSION="([(pterodactylmarket_version)])"; if [[ -d "/var/www/$FOLDER/blueprint" ]]; then mv /var/www/$FOLDER/blueprint /var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint; fi; # BUILT_FROM_SOURCE="y"; # If you downloaded Blueprint from a release instead of building it, this should be "n". # if [[ $BUILT_FROM_SOURCE == "y" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "/var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/.storage/versionschemefix.flag" ]]; then sed -E -i "s*&bp.version&*source*g" app/Services/Helpers/BlueprintPlaceholderService.php;touch /var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/.storage/versionschemefix.flag;fi;VERSION="source"; if [[ $PM_VERSION == "([(pterodactylmarket""_version)])" ]]; then # This runs when the placeholder has not changed, indicating an issue with PterodactylMarket # or Blueprint being installed from other sources. if [[ ! -f "/var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/.storage/versionschemefix.flag" ]]; then sed -E -i "s*&bp.version&*$VER_FALLBACK*g" app/Services/Helpers/BlueprintPlaceholderService.php; sed -E -i "s*@version*$VER_FALLBACK*g" public/extensions/blueprint/index.html; touch /var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/.storage/versionschemefix.flag; fi; VERSION=$VER_FALLBACK; elif [[ $PM_VERSION != "([(pterodactylmarket""_version)])" ]]; then # This runs in case it is possible to use the PterodactylMarket placeholder instead of the # fallback version. if [[ ! -f "/var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/.storage/versionschemefix.flag" ]]; then sed -E -i "s*&bp.version&*$PM_VERSION*g" app/Services/Helpers/BlueprintPlaceholderService.php; sed -E -i "s*@version*$PM_VERSION*g" public/extensions/blueprint/index.html; touch /var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/.storage/versionschemefix.flag; fi; VERSION=$PM_VERSION; fi; # Fix for Blueprint's bash database to work with docker and custom folder installations. sed -i "s!&bp.folder&!$FOLDER!g" /var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/lib/db.sh; cd /var/www/$FOLDER; source .blueprint/lib/bash_colors.sh; source .blueprint/lib/parse_yaml.sh; source .blueprint/lib/db.sh; if [[ "$@" == *"-php"* ]]; then exit 1; fi; export NEWT_COLORS=' root=,black window=black,red title=white,red border=red,red textbox=white,red listbox=white,black button=white,red '; error() { whiptail --title " Blueprint " --ok-button "ok" --msgbox "Sorry, this operation could not be completed. For troubleshooting, please go to ptero.shop/error.\n\n\"${1}\"" 15 60; log_red "${1}"; exit 1; }; touch /usr/local/bin/blueprint > /dev/null; echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nbash /var/www/$FOLDER/blueprint.sh -bash \$@;" > /usr/local/bin/blueprint; chmod u+x /var/www/$FOLDER/blueprint.sh > /dev/null; chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/blueprint > /dev/null; if [[ $1 != "-bash" ]]; then if dbValidate "blueprint.setupFinished"; then log_blue "This command only works if you have yet to install Blueprint. You can run \"\033[1;94mblueprint\033[0m\033[0;34m\" instead."; exit 1; else log " ██\n██ ██\n ████\n"; if [[ $DOCKER == "y" ]]; then log_red "Running Blueprint with Docker may result in issues."; fi; sed -i "s!&bp.folder&!$FOLDER!g" /var/www/$FOLDER/app/Services/Helpers/BlueprintPlaceholderService.php; sed -i "s!&bp.folder&!$FOLDER!g" /var/www/$FOLDER/resources/views/layouts/admin.blade.php; log_bright "php artisan down"; php artisan down; log_bright "/var/www/$FOLDER/public/themes/pterodactyl/css/pterodactyl.css"; sed -i "s!@import 'checkbox.css';!@import 'checkbox.css';\n@import url(/assets/extensions/blueprint/blueprint.style.css);\n/* blueprint reserved line */!g" /var/www/$FOLDER/public/themes/pterodactyl/css/pterodactyl.css; log_bright "php artisan view:clear"; php artisan view:clear; log_bright "php artisan config:clear"; php artisan config:clear; log_bright "php artisan migrate"; php artisan migrate; log_bright "chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$FOLDER/*"; chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$FOLDER/*; log_bright "chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$FOLDER/.*"; chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$FOLDER/.*; log_bright "rm .blueprint/.development/.hello.txt"; rm .blueprint/.development/.hello.txt; log_bright "php artisan up"; php artisan up; log_green "\n\nBlueprint should now be installed. If something didn't work as expected, please let us know at discord.gg/CUwHwv6xRe."; dbAdd "blueprint.setupFinished"; exit 1; fi; fi; if [[ ( $2 == "-i" ) || ( $2 == "-install" ) ]]; then log_bright "Always make sure you place your extensions in the Pterodactyl directory, else Blueprint won't be able to find them!"; if [[ $(expr $# - 2) != 1 ]]; then error "Expected 1 argument but got $(expr $# - 2).";fi; if [[ $3 == "test␀" ]]; then dev=true; n="dev"; mkdir .blueprint/.storage/tmp/dev; cp -R .blueprint/.development/* .blueprint/.storage/tmp/dev/; else dev=false; n=$3; FILE=$n".blueprint" if [[ ! -f "$FILE" ]]; then error "$FILE could not be found.";fi; ZIP=$n".zip"; cp $FILE .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$ZIP; cd .blueprint/.storage/tmp; unzip $ZIP; rm $ZIP; if [[ ! -f "$n/*" ]]; then cd ..; rm -R tmp; mkdir tmp; cd tmp; mkdir ./$n; cp ../../../$FILE ./$n/$ZIP; cd $n; unzip $ZIP; rm $ZIP; cd ..; fi; fi; cd /var/www/$FOLDER; eval $(parse_yaml .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/conf.yml) if [[ $dev ]]; then mv .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$identifier; n=$identifier; fi; if [[ $flags != *"-placeholders.skip;"* ]]; then DIR=.blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/*; if [[ $flags == *"-disable_az_placeholders;"* ]]; then SKIPAZPLACEHOLDERS=true; echo "A-Z placeholders will be skipped due to the '-disable_az_placeholders;' flag."; else SKIPAZPLACEHOLDERS=false; fi; for f in $(find $DIR -type f -exec echo {} \;); do sed -i "s~\^#version#\^~$version~g" $f; sed -i "s~\^#author#\^~$author~g" $f; sed -i "s~\^#identifier#\^~$identifier~g" $f; sed -i "s~\^#path#\^~/var/www/$FOLDER~g" $f; sed -i "s~\^#datapath#\^~/var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/.storage/extensiondata/$identifier~g" $f; if [[ $SKIPAZPLACEHOLDERS != true ]]; then sed -i "s~bpversionreplace~$version~g" $f; sed -i "s~bpauthorreplace~$author~g" $f; sed -i "s~bpidentifierreplace~$identifier~g" $f; sed -i "s~bppathreplace~/var/www/$FOLDER~g" $f; sed -i "s~bpdatapathreplace~/var/www/$FOLDER/.blueprint/.storage/extensiondata/$identifier~g" $f; fi; echo "Done placeholders in '$f'."; done; else echo "-placeholders.skip;"; fi; if [[ $name == "" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "'name' is a required option.";fi; if [[ $identifier == "" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "'identifier' is a required option.";fi; if [[ $description == "" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "'description' is a required option.";fi; if [[ $version == "" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "'version' is a required option.";fi; if [[ $target == "" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "'target' is a required option.";fi; if [[ $icon == "" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "'icon' is a required option.";fi; if [[ $datafolder_directory == "" ]]; then log "Datafolder left blank, skipping..";fi; if [[ $controller_location == "" ]]; then log "Controller location left blank, using default controller instead..";controller_type="default";fi; if [[ $view_location == "" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "'view_location' is a required option.";fi; if [[ $target != $VERSION ]]; then log_red "This extension is built for version $target, but your version is $VERSION.";fi; if [[ $identifier != $n ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "The extension identifier should be exactly the same as your .blueprint file (just without the .blueprint). This may be subject to change, but is currently required.";fi; if [[ $identifier == "blueprint" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "The operation could not be completed since the extension is attempting to overwrite internal files.";fi; if [[ $identifier =~ [a-z] ]]; then echo "ok"; else rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "The extension identifier should be lowercase and only contain characters a-z.";fi; if [[ ! -f ".blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$icon" ]]; then rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n;error "The 'icon' path points to a nonexisting file.";fi; if [[ $migrations_directory != "" ]]; then if [[ $migrations_enabled == "yes" ]]; then cp -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$migrations_directory/* database/migrations/ 2> /dev/null; elif [[ $migrations_enabled == "no" ]]; then echo "ok"; else rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "If defined, migrations_enabled should only be 'yes' or 'no'."; fi; fi; if [[ $css_location != "" ]]; then if [[ $css_enabled == "yes" ]]; then INJECTCSS="y"; elif [[ $css_enabled == "no" ]]; then echo "ok"; else rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "If defined, css_enabled should only be 'yes' or 'no'."; fi; fi; if [[ $adminrequests_directory != "" ]]; then if [[ $adminrequests_enabled == "yes" ]]; then mkdir app/Http/Requests/Admin/Extensions/$identifier; cp -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$adminrequests_directory/* app/Http/Requests/Admin/Extensions/$identifier/ 2> /dev/null; elif [[ $adminrequests_enabled == "no" ]]; then echo "ok"; else rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "If defined, adminrequests_enabled should only be 'yes' or 'no'."; fi; fi; if [[ $publicfiles_directory != "" ]]; then if [[ $publicfiles_enabled == "yes" ]]; then mkdir public/extensions/$identifier; cp -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$publicfiles_directory/* public/extensions/$identifier/ 2> /dev/null; elif [[ $publicfiles_enabled == "no" ]]; then echo "ok"; else rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "If defined, publicfiles_enabled should only be 'yes' or 'no'."; fi; fi; cp -R .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak 2> /dev/null; if [[ $controller_type != "" ]]; then if [[ $controller_type == "default" ]]; then cp -R .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/controller.default .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/controller.default.bak 2> /dev/null; elif [[ $controller_type == "custom" ]]; then echo "ok"; else rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; error "If defined, controller_type should only be 'default' or 'custom'."; fi; fi; cp -R .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/route.default .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/route.default.bak 2> /dev/null; cp -R .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/button.default .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak 2> /dev/null; mkdir .blueprint/.storage/extensiondata/$identifier; if [[ $datafolder_directory != "" ]]; then cp -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$datafolder_directory/* .blueprint/.storage/extensiondata/$identifier/; fi; mkdir public/assets/extensions/$identifier; cp .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$icon public/assets/extensions/$identifier/icon.jpg; ICON="/assets/extensions/$identifier/icon.jpg"; CONTENT=$(cat .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$view_location); if [[ $INJECTCSS == "y" ]]; then sed -i "s!/* blueprint reserved line */!/* blueprint reserved line */\n@import url(/assets/extensions/$identifier/$identifier.style.css);!g" public/themes/pterodactyl/css/pterodactyl.css; cp -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$css_location/* public/assets/extensions/$identifier/$identifier.style.css 2> /dev/null; fi; if [[ $name == *"~"* ]]; then log_red "'name' contains '~' and may result in an error.";fi; if [[ $description == *"~"* ]]; then log_red "'description' contains '~' and may result in an error.";fi; if [[ $version == *"~"* ]]; then log_red "'version' contains '~' and may result in an error.";fi; if [[ $CONTENT == *"~"* ]]; then log_red "'CONTENT' contains '~' and may result in an error.";fi; if [[ $ICON == *"~"* ]]; then log_red "'ICON' contains '~' and may result in an error.";fi; if [[ $identifier == *"~"* ]]; then log_red "'identifier' contains '~' and may result in an error.";fi; sed -i "s~␀title␀~$name~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; sed -i "s~␀name␀~$name~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; sed -i "s~␀breadcrumb␀~$name~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; sed -i "s~␀name␀~$name~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak; sed -i "s~␀description␀~$description~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; sed -i "s~␀version␀~$version~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; sed -i "s~␀version␀~$version~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak; sed -i "s~␀icon␀~$ICON~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; echo -e "$CONTENT\n@endsection" >> .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; if [[ $controller_type != "custom" ]]; then sed -i "s~␀id␀~$identifier~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/controller.default.bak; fi; sed -i "s~␀id␀~$identifier~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/route.default.bak; sed -i "s~␀id␀~$identifier~g" .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak; ADMINVIEW_RESULT=$(cat .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak); ADMINROUTE_RESULT=$(cat .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/route.default.bak); ADMINBUTTON_RESULT=$(cat .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak); if [[ $controller_type != "custom" ]]; then ADMINCONTROLLER_RESULT=$(cat .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/controller.default.bak); fi; ADMINCONTROLLER_NAME=$identifier"ExtensionController.php"; mkdir resources/views/admin/extensions/$identifier; touch resources/views/admin/extensions/$identifier/index.blade.php; echo $ADMINVIEW_RESULT > resources/views/admin/extensions/$identifier/index.blade.php; mkdir app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier; touch app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier/$ADMINCONTROLLER_NAME; if [[ $controller_type != "custom" ]]; then echo $ADMINCONTROLLER_RESULT > app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier/$ADMINCONTROLLER_NAME; else cp .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$controller_location app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier/$ADMINCONTROLLER_NAME; fi; if [[ $controller_type == "custom" ]]; then cp .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n/$controller_location app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Extensions/$identifier/${identifier}ExtensionController.php; fi; echo $ADMINROUTE_RESULT >> routes/admin.php; sed -i "s~~$ADMINBUTTON_RESULT\n~g" resources/views/admin/extensions.blade.php; rm .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/admin.default.bak; if [[ $controller_type != "custom" ]]; then rm .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/controller.default.bak; fi; rm .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/route.default.bak; rm .blueprint/.storage/defaults/extensions/button.default.bak; rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/$n; if [[ $author == "blueprint" ]]; then log_blue "Please refrain from setting the author variable to 'blueprint', thanks!";fi; if [[ $author == "Blueprint" ]]; then log_blue "Please refrain from setting the author variable to 'Blueprint', thanks!";fi; if [[ $migrations_enabled == "yes" ]]; then log_bold "This extension comes with migrations. If you get prompted, answer 'yes'.\n"; php artisan migrate; fi; chmod -R +x .blueprint/.storage/extensiondata/$identifier/*; if [[ $flags == *"-run.afterinstall;"* ]]; then log_red "This extension uses a custom installation script, proceed with caution." bash .blueprint/.storage/extensiondata/$identifier/install.sh; fi; log_green "\n\n$identifier should now be installed. If something didn't work as expected, please let us know at discord.gg/CUwHwv6xRe."; fi; if [[ ( $2 == "help" ) || ( $2 == "-help" ) || ( $2 == "--help" ) ]]; then echo -e " -install -i [name] install a blueprint extension"" " "-version -v get the current blueprint version"" " "-init initialize extension development files."" " "-build run an installation on your extension development files."" " "-export export your extension development files (experimental)"" " "-reinstall rerun the blueprint installation script"" " "-upgrade update/reset to a newer version (experimental)"; fi; if [[ ( $2 == "-v" ) || ( $2 == "-version" ) ]]; then echo -e $VERSION; fi; if [[ $2 == "-init" ]]; then echo "Name (Generic Extension):"; read ASKNAME; echo "Identifier (genericextension):"; read ASKIDENTIFIER; echo "Description (My awesome description):"; read ASKDESCRIPTION; echo "Version (indev):"; read ASKVERSION; echo "Author (prplwtf):"; read ASKAUTHOR; log "Validating.."; if [[ $ASKIDENTIFIER =~ [a-z] ]]; then echo "ok" > /dev/null; else log "Identifier should only contain a-z characters.";exit 1;fi; log "Copying init defaults to tmp.."; mkdir .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init; cp -R .blueprint/.storage/defaults/init/* .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/; log "Applying variables.." sed -i "s~␀name␀~$ASKNAME~g" .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/conf.yml; #NAME sed -i "s~␀identifier␀~$ASKIDENTIFIER~g" .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/conf.yml; #IDENTIFIER sed -i "s~␀description␀~$ASKDESCRIPTION~g" .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/conf.yml; #DESCRIPTION sed -i "s~␀ver␀~$ASKVERSION~g" .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/conf.yml; #VERSION sed -i "s~␀author␀~$ASKAUTHOR~g" .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/conf.yml; #AUTHOR icnNUM=$(expr 1 + $RANDOM % 3); sed -i "s~␀num␀~$icnNUM~g" .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/conf.yml; sed -i "s~␀version␀~$VERSION~g" .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/conf.yml; # Return files to folder. cp -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp/init/* .blueprint/.development/; # Remove tmp files rm -R .blueprint/.storage/tmp; mkdir .blueprint/.storage/tmp; log "Your extension files have been generated and exported to '.blueprint/.development'."; fi; if [[ ( $2 == "-build" ) || ( $2 == "-test" ) ]]; then if [[ $2 == "-test" ]]; then log_bright "-test will be removed in future versions, use -build instead."; fi log "Attempting to install extension files located in '.blueprint/.development'."; blueprint -i test␀; fi; if [[ $2 == "-export" ]]; then log_red "This is an experimental feature, proceed with caution."; log "Attempting to export extension files located in '.blueprint/.development'."; cd .blueprint zip .storage/tmp/blueprint.zip .development/* mv .storage/tmp/blueprint.zip ../extension.blueprint; log "Extension files should be exported into your Pterodactyl directory now. Some versions of Blueprint may require your identifier to match the filename (excluding the .blueprint extension). You'll need to do this manually."; fi; if [[ $2 == "-reinstall" ]]; then dbRemove "blueprint.setupFinished"; cd /var/www/$FOLDER; bash blueprint.sh; fi; if [[ $2 == "-upgrade" ]]; then log_red "This is an experimental feature, proceed with caution.\n"; log_bright "Upgrading will wipe your .blueprint folder and will overwrite your extensions. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N)"; read YN; if [[ ( $YN != "y" ) && ( $YN != "Y" ) ]]; then exit 1; fi; log_bright "Upgrading will use the latest source version of Blueprint. This means that you will be using an early build of the next version that might break. Upgrading is mainly made for Blueprint development not updating to newer versions. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N)"; read YN2; if [[ ( $YN2 == "y" ) || ( $YN2 == "Y" ) ]]; then log_bright "Upgrading.."; bash tools/update.sh /var/www/$FOLDER; log_bright "Upgrade completed."; fi; fi;