2024-06-27 16:12:34 -04:00
Command( ) {
PRINT WARNING "This is an advanced feature, only proceed if you know what you are doing."
# Confirmation question for developer upgrade.
if [ [ $1 = = "remote" ] ] ; then
PRINT INPUT "Upgrading to the latest development build will update Blueprint to a remote version which might differ from the latest release. Continue? (y/N)"
read -r YN
if [ [ ( ${ YN } != "y" * ) && ( ${ YN } != "Y" * ) ] ] ; then PRINT INFO "Upgrade cancelled." ; exit 1; fi
YN = ""
# Confirmation question for both developer and stable upgrade.
PRINT INPUT "Upgrading will wipe your .blueprint folder and will deactivate all active extensions. Continue? (y/N)"
read -r YN
if [ [ ( ${ YN } != "y" * ) && ( ${ YN } != "Y" * ) ] ] ; then PRINT INFO "Upgrade cancelled." ; exit 1; fi
YN = ""
# Last confirmation question for both developer and stable upgrade.
PRINT INPUT "This is the last warning before upgrading/wiping Blueprint. Type 'continue' to continue, all other input will be taken as 'no'."
read -r YN
if [ [ ${ YN } != "continue" ] ] ; then PRINT INFO "Upgrade cancelled." ; exit 1; fi
YN = ""
if [ [ $1 = = "remote" ] ] ; then PRINT INFO "Fetching and pulling latest commit.."
else PRINT INFO "Fetching and pulling latest release.." ; fi
mkdir " $FOLDER /.tmp "
cp blueprint.sh .blueprint.sh.bak
HAS_DEV = false
if [ [ -n $( find .blueprint/dev -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name ".gitkeep" -print -quit) ] ] ; then
PRINT INFO "Backing up extension development files.."
mkdir -p " $FOLDER /.tmp/dev "
cp .blueprint/dev/* " $FOLDER /.tmp/dev/ " -Rf
HAS_DEV = true
mkdir -p " $FOLDER /.tmp/files "
cd " $FOLDER /.tmp/files " || cdhalt
if [ [ $1 = = "remote" ] ] ; then
2024-07-16 09:03:40 -04:00
if [ [ $2 = = "" ] ] ; then
2024-07-16 09:34:00 -04:00
REMOTE_REPOSITORY = " https://github.com/ $REPOSITORY .git "
2024-07-16 09:03:40 -04:00
if [ [ $2 != "http://" * ] ] && [ [ $2 != "https://" * ] ] ; then
REMOTE_REPOSITORY = " https://github.com/ $2 .git "
# download release
git clone " $REMOTE_REPOSITORY " main
2024-06-27 16:12:34 -04:00
# download latest release
LOCATION = $( curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/" $REPOSITORY " /releases/latest \
| grep "zipball_url" \
| awk '{ print $2 }' \
| sed 's/,$//' \
| sed 's/"//g' ) \
; curl -L -o main.zip " $LOCATION "
unzip main.zip
rm main.zip
mv ./* main
if [ [ ! -d "main" ] ] ; then
cd " $FOLDER " || cdhalt
rm -r " $FOLDER /.tmp " & >> " $BLUEPRINT__DEBUG "
rm " $FOLDER /.blueprint.sh.bak " & >> " $BLUEPRINT__DEBUG "
PRINT FATAL "Remote does not exist or encountered an error, try again later."
exit 1
# Remove some files/directories that don't have to be moved to the Pterodactyl folder.
rm -r \
"main/.github" \
"main/.git" \
"main/.gitignore" \
"main/README.md" \
# Copy fetched release files to the Pterodactyl directory and remove temp files.
cp -r main/* " $FOLDER " /
rm -r \
"main" \
" $FOLDER " /.blueprint \
" $FOLDER " /.tmp/files
cd " $FOLDER " || cdhalt
# Clean up folders with potentially broken symlinks.
rm \
"resources/views/blueprint/admin/wrappers/" * \
"resources/views/blueprint/dashboard/wrappers/" * \
"routes/blueprint/application/" * \
"routes/blueprint/client/" * \
"routes/blueprint/web/" * \
& >> /dev/null # cannot forward to debug dir because it does not exist
chmod +x blueprint.sh
sed -i -E \
-e " s|OWNERSHIP=\"www-data:www-data\" #;|OWNERSHIP=\" $OWNERSHIP \" #;|g " \
-e " s|WEBUSER=\"www-data\" #;|WEBUSER=\" $WEBUSER \" #;|g " \
-e " s|USERSHELL=\"/bin/bash\" #;|USERSHELL=\" $USERSHELL \" #;|g " \
" $FOLDER /blueprint.sh "
mv " $FOLDER /blueprint " " $FOLDER /.blueprint "
bash blueprint.sh --post-upgrade
# Ask user if they'd like to migrate their database.
PRINT INPUT "Would you like to migrate your database? (Y/n)"
read -r YN
if [ [ ( $YN = = "y" * ) || ( $YN = = "Y" * ) || ( $YN = = "" ) ] ] ; then
PRINT INFO "Running database migrations.."
php artisan migrate --force
php artisan up & >> " $BLUEPRINT__DEBUG "
PRINT INFO "Database migrations have been skipped."
YN = ""
if [ [ ${ HAS_DEV } = = true ] ] ; then
PRINT INFO "Restoring extension development files.."
mkdir -p .blueprint/dev
cp " $FOLDER /.tmp/dev/ " * .blueprint/dev -r
rm " $FOLDER /.tmp/dev " -rf
rm -r " $FOLDER /.tmp "
# Post-upgrade checks.
PRINT INFO "Validating update.."
score = 0
if dbValidate "blueprint.setupFinished" ; then score = $(( score+1))
else PRINT WARNING "'blueprint.setupFinished' could not be detected or found." ; fi
# Finalize upgrade.
if [ [ ${ score } = = 1 ] ] ; then
PRINT SUCCESS "Upgrade finished."
rm .blueprint.sh.bak
exit 0 # success
elif [ [ ${ score } = = 0 ] ] ; then
PRINT FATAL "All checks have failed. The 'blueprint.sh' file has been reverted."
rm blueprint.sh
mv .blueprint.sh.bak blueprint.sh
exit 1 # error
PRINT FATAL "Some checks have failed. The 'blueprint.sh' file has been reverted."
rm blueprint.sh
mv .blueprint.sh.bak blueprint.sh
exit 1 # error