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# This script has been created as part of the Blueprint source code
# and may be intergrated directly into the core in the future.
source $BLUEPRINT__FOLDER/.blueprint/lib/
function throwError {
if [[ $1 == "cdMissingDirectory" ]]; then err="Tried to navigate to a directory that does not exist, halting process.";fi
if [[ $1 == "confymlNotFound" ]]; then err="Could not find a conf.yml file.";fi
if [[ $1 == "confymlMissingFiles" ]]; then err="A conf.yml value is pointing to a file that does not exist.";fi
if [[ $1 == "scriptsMissingFiles" ]]; then err="Could not find install/remove/export script even though it's enabled.";fi
if [[ $1 == "scriptsNoPrivateDir" ]]; then err="Could not run extension's install/remove/export script as the extension does not have a data directory.";fi
if [[ $err == "" ]]; then err="$1"; fi
log_red "[FATAL] $err"
return 1
function throwByte {
# [ ^^] ello
if [[ $err == "" ]]; then err="$1"; fi
log_blue "[ " log_white "^^" log_blue "] $err"
return 1